One of the best parts about being home with Blake are the fun, spur-of-the-moment trips we get to do together.
Blake is 13mo and is just now beginning to drop to 1 nap a day. Other moms may dread this as that means less time to do things like clean or cook or shower. However, I couldn't be more excited because that means we can do more exciting things together, and my life isn't as regimented to a set schedule as it was before.
Blake woke from his one nap yesterday, and I wanted to get him outdoors. He loves animals so we headed to Stone Barns where we could see sheep and chickens up close and personal.
We happened to be the only people there, so we had a front row viewing which Blake loved. He stared in awe at the animals like they were from another planet. He was on high alert, waiting for them to make their animal sound that he recognizes from his toys. He swung his head to the sky to listen for a bird, and he lunged for the flowers when he saw something pretty to touch.
We ended the day by taking over the square at Stone Barns where he roamed around like little Frankenstein walking, trying to mingle with strangers by offering them his Wubbanub (but then immediately taking it back to put in his mouth). He is the most social baby I know, I am not sure where gets it from!
Here are a few pictures from our afternoon at the barn. We had the best time, and I loved seeing Blake amazed by his surroundings. Days like these make me appreciate how lucky I am to be home with him.
Feeding time |
Made it a point to explain what was happening here |
Checking out the birds above us |
He wanted to pet the chickens |
Baby Frankenstein |
Being overly nice to strangers |
I think Blake is sick of me taking pictures |
Snack time |
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