Beauty is in the Eye of the Crayon Holder


When decorating the playroom, I was trying to come up with a theme that Blake would like for years and years.  My top choices were circus or Dr. Seuss.  I then realized that his tastes are going to change as he gets older.  If we decorated based on his 9-12month obsession, we would have a Wiggles & Wubbanub-themed everything. So, I decided to skip a traditional theme, and just surround him with vibrant and fun pieces.  I wanted artwork that was timeless and happy. 

I love the idea of incorporating DIY projects so that I can one day tell him, "Look, mommy made that for you!". So I began browsing Pinterest (obviously, where else would I go to for inspiration?) and Etsy.  I came across a whole section on Crayon Art - google it, its a real thing!  I love the idea of turning something so simple (a crayon) into art.  And so the fun began...

What you need:
  • 1. 18x24 white canvas
  • 2. 70 crayons (more or less depending on the canvas size you choose)
  • 3. Hot glue gun & glue sticks
  • 4. Hair dryer with a diffuser

  • 1. Organize crayons by color (any order you like).  Make sure you have enough crayons to fill the whole length of the canvas.
  • 2. Hot glue the crayons to the canvas with the top of the crayon flush to the top of the canvas
  • 3. Place the canvas over a newspaper or plastic tarp (we used an old Pampers box since we have a lot of those lying around these days)
  • 4. Use a hair dryer on high heat and diffuser to concentrate the heat
  • 5. Tilt the canvas at a very slight tilt in the beginning (~80 degrees)
  • 6. Hover the hair dryer over the crayons, one section of colors at a time (this helps the crayon-drip stay in their own color section on the canvas)
  • 7. You will see the crayon sort of "melt", and then you can begin tilting the canvas any way you like, depending on the look you are going for
  • 8. Finally, use the heat from the hair dryer to blow the dripping crayon color down the length of the canvas and fill in any white spaces

This whole project cost around $25 (excluding the hair dryer).  The letters PLAY above the crayon art is also a DIY project. I will do another post on that in the future.  It was super easy to do!

If you like this post, please come back for more DIY projects and more!


  1. Will have to do this with my 7 and 5 year-old--they get a kick out of it.

  2. I have always wanted to try this - glad to see it's as easy as it looks! very cool wall art!

    1. You should definitely try it and let me know how it turns out!

  3. How long did it take you to do this? You should invite a bunch of moms over and have a DIY night and teach other moms

    1. Total working time was about an 90min. The longest part was hot gluing each crayon individually, and making sure the "Crayola" was facing up. Having a craft party sounds like a ton of fun! I don't know many moms in my new city, but when I do, I may actually do that!

  4. What a neat idea! Thanks for the inspiration. This actually looks like something that I could easily do.


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