Grocery Shopping


There's only a few configurations that will work, and I'm pretty sure I have tried all of them.  Sadly going shopping with 2 kids in tow is just never a good idea. But if its a must, pick one of the below configurations and just pray. Happy Shopping!

#1: Maximize the Shopping Cart

-Toddler strapped in the front of a shopping cart
-Baby in the car seat balanced between the sides of a shopping cart

-Mobility is limited, so no one can disappear or choose to run away
-You'll be able to spend a little more time browsing the aisles since everyone is contained

-With the car seat taking up 75% of the shopping cart, your shopping list will be cut short. You'll only be able to buy the real essentials, like milk, eggs, cookies, and wine.
-Turning radius is limited for fear of car seat falling out

#2: Baby's Safety First

-Utilize car seat stroller
-Attempt to keep toddler near you by asking them to hold your hand  (ha ha ha)

-Baby cant fall out of the stroller

-You might lose your toddler somewhere between the cereal and dairy aisle
-You will only be able to purchase <10 items, and they must all fit in the bottom of your stroller. Looks like you will have to leave the wine at the store.

#3: Don't lose the Toddler

-Toddler strapped in the front of a shopping cart
-Wear baby on your body

-Minimal chance of toddler escaping
-You can fill up your cart to its full capacity

-You cant buy anything that requires you to bend over, or else Baby's legs will be crushed
-Be prepared for strangers to stop and chat, slowing down your shopping trip

#4 Husband/Partner does the shopping

-Both kids in bed napping
-Mommy with her legs up watching Real Housewives of NY

-Both toddler and baby are safe and sound
-Mommy is relaxed
-Everything on the shopping list can be purchased

-Nope, cant think of any, not a single one

Any other configurations I missed? I thought I've tried them all, but maybe not?

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