Since my husband and I started seriously dating, we always talked about wanting a big family. We each have 2 siblings, and dreamt of having at least 2-3 kids. I knew time wasn't totally on my side, so we knew we would have to get cracking one after the other.
We experienced one loss very early on in our baby journey, and then it took 8 months to get pregnant with Blake. So once I gave my husband the green light that I was ready for #2, we started trying right away. I figured it would take at least 6-9months, especially after our previous history. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. We got pregnant right away, and I can remember feeling very blessed and then completely terrified at the same time. I know I said I was ready, but based on this timing, it meant that Blake and the new baby would be only 22 months apart.
I found out I was pregnant a little after 3 weeks along. I used these cheap strips that I bought on Amazon that essentially are the same as those expensive First Response tests (Pregnancy Test Strips). Because they are so cheap, I started using them earlier than most OTC tests recommend. The positive line was faint, but it was definitely there. I even took pictures of the strips to make sure the line was getting a bit darker with each test. I then used the First Response test to confirm one last time (am I crazy or what??).
All day I was thinking about how I could reveal this to my husband. It was a few days before our 4th wedding anniversary, and thought how amazing would it be to reveal it that day. But, I know myself and know that there was no way I could hold this secret in. So I wrapped up the First Response test and put it in a gift bag on the kitchen table.
When my husband got home from work, he sat on the couch and grabbed my phone (as he usually does) to see the pictures I took of Blake that day. I forgot that I had taken pictures of the pregnancy strips and when he got to that picture, he was in complete shock and overjoyed at the same time. Thinking back, that was a much better way to reveal the BFP (big fat positive) than my original idea.
As most women know, the first trimester is full of worry. I tried not to get overly excited as I knew the risks involved. My first appointment to confirm the pregnancy (essentially confirming a heartbeat), was around 8.5weeks. A few things gave me some slight reassurance that everything was okay. I was nauseous every single night and by week 8, I noticed my belly starting to grow (a lot earlier than with Blake).
Our OB appointment was the day after we put Sammy to sleep. It was one of the most confusing weeks I have ever experienced. I lost my fur baby of 12 years, only to confirm that I was growing a healthy baby inside of me. Coping with loss and experiencing such joy was just too much to handle at once. As everyone says, time heals and in a few weeks I was able to handle what life just handed me. Keep in mind, pregnancy hormones are also raging which probably didn't help my random bouts of crying those few weeks. During our last photoshoot with Sammy, we decided to snap a few pictures of Blake feeling my belly and everything was just perfect in those special moments together as a family.
At our 12 week ultrasound, the doctors confirmed that everything is cooking nicely. We couldn't be more excited or feel more blessed that we were able to get pregnant again. As of today, we are officially in the second trimester (14 weeks). This means that Baby Liddle #2 will arrive in Feb 2017.
Oh, and that first trimester nausea has finally subsided!!! Time to celebrate!
Check back in for the gender reveal :)
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